Antiwar in STEM Work


I’ve been antiwar for a couple of decades now but have more recently begun to be vocal about it in professional spaces.

My journey of how I went from a tween interested in being a fighter pilot when I grew up to advocating for divestment of STEM workplaces from the military industrial complex was a long & complex one. If you’re interested in reading my story, check it out here.

My first major project in this area was a white paper submitted to the Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023-2032 under the “State of the Profession”. The paper was entitled “Military Work by Space Exploration Organizations: A Barrier to Inclusion and Safe Workspaces for Marginalized Communities”.

Currently I am working on a resource for aerospace job seekers to find more ethical workplaces. 

I have a few other projects in the works. Watch this space for updates.